Tabula Smaragdina


Hermes Trismegistus




I. I speak not fiction, but what is certain and most true.

II. What is below is like that which is above, and that which is
above is like that which is below for performing the miracle of one

III. And as all things are produced from one, by the mediation of
one, so all things are produced from this one thing by adaptation.

IV. Its father is the sun; its mother was the moon, the wind carried
it in its belly, its nurse is the earth.

V. It is the cause of all perfection throughout the whole world.

VI. Its power is perfect if it be changed into the earth.

VII. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross,
gently, and with judgment.

VIII. It ascends from the earth to heaven, and descends again to
Earth, thus you will possess the glory of the whole world and all
obscurity will fly away.

IX. This thing is the fortitude of all fortitude, because it
overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates every solid thing.

X. Thus are all things created.

XI. Thence proceed wonderful adaptations which are produced in this

XII. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, possessing the three
parts of the philosophy of the whole world.


XIII. What I had to say about the operations of the sun is complete.









Sanctify speech of the Hermes Trismegistus:




"Boundless darknesses were above the abyss and the water and a fine, intelligent spirit were from the divine power held in the chaos.

There the holy light burst out and under the sand the elements came out of the moisture and all Gods looked at the fertile nature. Since the universe still was in disorder, the light elements arose and the heavier ones became than placed to basis under the wet sand, all things were through the fire separated and added around through that the spirit be arisen.

And the sky appeared in seven rings and the Gods manifested in the figure of the stars with all their being attitudes and the stars were counted with the Gods who are in them. And the air covered the external ring which was moved from the God's spirit in his circuit. Every God fulfilled, according to his power, the work that was prescribed to him ... and they sowed the mankind in order to find out the divine creations and in order to show the vigour of the nature. And they beget the great number of the mankind in order to rule over everything under the sky and to recognize the good in order to grow and to increase.

And they testified every incarnated human being soul through the course of the Gods of the changing stars in order to consider the sky the race of the heaven's gods, the divine compositions and the natural forces ... their life and their wisdom are at the origin in the unison with the course of the Gods of the changing stars.”










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